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A member registered Feb 15, 2023

Recent community posts

These seems like a great game! I'm a bit confused though. I keep getting executed no matter what I do. Is that because this is a demo and that's where it ends for now?

What an amazing update!

I write the following with the context that I understand this game is in early development, and it's a game I find interesting and am interested to see more from.

The RNG within the forest is out of control to the point where it isn't fun (and I love both survival and resource management mechanics). The MC needs to be able to unlock something which helps with navigation, and not several points down the line. It needs to happen within this first act. I found myself saving before every venture into the forest because I knew there was a good chance I may just run into 50 snakes and 25 wolves before discovering anything of value.

There also needs to be additional ways of obtaining food. With the current math, even if you grab every coconut and banana the exact days they respawn, the camp consumes faster than you can obtain and Game Over is inevitable.

The story is all enjoyable, and if the above elements see improvement, then I foresee this being a great game!

Your work is fantastic. I've happily jumped over to supporting you on SubscribeStar.

Hello. I've only just discovered this game, but I am enjoying it thus far. One issue I've come across, however, is that neither the CG Gallery, Replay Room, nor Bonus Content are accessible. I've received many many notifications throughout the game that I've unlocked certain things, but when I go to those pages everything is still locked.

Playing on Android, and yes I've enabled storage permissions.